GOOD NEWS FOR TAX SEASONĀ  I have gotten some emails saying I get too partisan in my weekly columns. I always try to communicate the facts and as I was taught by my father to call a spade a spade. Well the good news is that senate democrats and republicans did some good work together this last week. The Iowa Senate unanimously voted in favor of SF 106, a bill […]


Protecting the Integrity of the Election Process Iowa elections are watched throughout the country thanks to our first-in-the-nation caucuses. Politics have always played an important role here and the election process has been something in which Iowans take pride. That does not mean the system is without flaws. I know voters recognize the value of having a fair and protected election system in place that allows citizens to cast their ballot without worry. I also recognize that the state election process has room for improvement in order to provide a more secure voting process. Elections may be won or lost by one vote and preventing voter fraud is very important.


Happy New Year to you all and hoping you had a Merry Christmas as well. As the gavel fell this past Monday to kick off the new session, I was sworn in for my new term with much excitement and optimism. A top priority of mine this year is to return some of your hard-earned tax dollars back to you. As you may have heard, our revenues are up from previous years. This news should not signal lawmakers to go on a spending spree and now is not the time to grow government, rather I support shrinking the size of government and returning this money to all Iowa taxpayers.
